Daniel – The Founder

Came to Japan: Aug 1999, 25 years ago.

Married: Sep 2002, Divorced: 16 May 2019.

Daughter, born June 2009, (Age: 15)
Son, born July 2013, (Age: 11)

Court ruling:

Upon divorce, the custodian of the children shall in no way impede the children’s right to visitation.
Custodian and lawyer, agrees Daniel will file suit for property etc. and will not impede visitation for any personal reason.

# After badgering from his own father, his at the time spouse, and a friend, Daniel relented custody of his children to expedite divorce.
A decision Daniel regrets.

Church Ruling:
Nov 19, 2019: Daniel petitions the Tokyo Catholic Tribunal for a declaration of Nullity of Marriage.
Feb, 2020: Daniel’s ex spouse calls the tribunal. The priest in charge says ex spouse screamed at the priest in hysterics, was very angry and was very eccentric. She claimed I never paid child support. It was said a normal person doesn not speak like that.
Sep 16, 2020: After a year of investigation, testimony and corroboration, Daniel’s marriage is declared Canonically Null.

Abduction Events:

  1. Children taken / abducted:2603 days ago.
  1. Children last seen: 2356 days ago.
    Children were granted 5 days visitation in March of 2018, and again 2 days in May of 2018.
  1. Children last (officially) spoken to:1991 days ago.
    Children were given permission to call Daniel at odd times and usually only to say hello or good night.
    Common talk time was 3-5 minutes. Calls usually occurred when it was known Daniel was on the train (potential for rebuke from passengers) or working.
    Repeated appeals for a proper talking schedule were denied.
  1. Daughter secretly called:1632 days ago.
    Daughter called to inform of being lied to; Daniel’s address had allegedly changed, phone number allegedly changed and no way to get in contact.
    Daughter also claimed she was not allowed to speak to Daniel because her mother was worried daughter would say something incriminating that would cause her mother to lose the court case.
    Daughter wished to send Daniel a birthday present and asked for an address.
    No present was ever received.


  1. Property theft, IP theft, Embezzlement, Domestic violence and power harassment: Defendant children’s mother
  1. Violation of Visitation Agreement: Defendant children’s mother


  1. PT, IPT, E, DV, PH: ongoing
  1. Violation of Visitation Agreement:
    Dec 20, 2020: Defendant fails to hire a lawyer or attend hearing. Next court date set to January.
    Jan 7, 2021: Defendant claims Daniel is crazy for suing over property theft. Daniel simply claims Defendant is violating visitation with personal matters. Next court date set to March.
    Mar 18, 2012: Defendant produces a medical certificate. Daughter suffers from anxiety attacks and manic depression. Doctor’s recommendation, do not allow father to visit his daughter until symptoms reduce.
    Daniel appeals to allow visitation to reduce daughters stress: Rejected.
    Daniel appeals to allow phone calls to reduce daughters stress: Rejected.
    Daniel appeals to send updated photos because they have not seen Daniel in 3 years and the difference may be shocking: Rejected.
    Defendant claims she holds no ill will towards Daniel.
    Next court date set to June.

Additional issues:

  1. Daniel’s own father has abandoned his own family, assaulted Daniel in 2017, and encouraged Daniel’s ex-spouse to keep the family name despite wanting to revert to her maiden name.
  2. Daniel’s own father continues to side against Daniel in all matters, and believes all events that has transpired was well deserved.
  3. Daniel’s brother initially sided against Daniel, however, has decided to stay neutral in all matters since the declaration of nullity and continues to support their father.